Artist Statement
For my sculpture I wanted to express the state I am currently in in my life. I am a combination of where I have come from (the things I can't control) and the places I take myself (the things I can control). To represent these two aspects that make up who I am, I have sand from California (where I was born), and shells from Spain (from the semester I spent in Europe - a trip I saved for since the age of 15). The reason these items are placed in a jar - only filling up a portion of it, is because I'm only 21, and therefore have many more experiences/years to fill my jar with. Finally, the reason the jars lid is a pocket watch is to represent the time constraints I feel on myself. I can feel the pressure to graduate, start a career, get married, have a family... However, I'm not sure those are all things I want just yet. They sound nice (a safe choice in the direction I could take my life), but beyond graduating I'm not sure I want all the other ones just yet. I want time to do other things first. Time to fill up my jar a little more with the things I can control.
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